Here is Shaw’s famous revolving writing hut. This writing hut was built on a revolving mechanism that enabled Shaw to follow the sun. Many famous plays, including Pygmalion and Androcles and the Lion, were written in this revolving hut. According to Professor Stanley Weintraub, Shaw used the hut into his last years and last plays!
Just imagine sitting inside this hut without computer or without internet. Shaw had only their equivalents in his time: a typewriter and a telephone. The hut was complete with an electric heater and an alarm clock. It was quite fashionable to have a revolving hut.
Interior of Shaw’s Hut

The company building Shaw’s revolving writing hut, Strawson’s, is still existing. Revolving architecture is still quite common today. Have you ever been to a revolving restaurant, such as those on the CN Tower in Toronto or the Skylon Tower at Niagara Falls? You can read more about the history of revolving architecture here. The history of the revolving houses is fascinating.